Monday, December 3, 2007

Wednesday (28th) NOVEMBER


Ruth goes to work this guy named Boaz but he doesn't even see her as like a slave, he sees her more as a gift from God! Yay! Now, that's positive thinking!

Anyway, Naomi tells Ruth to dress up super nice and go to this party where Boaz is. After he's really tired and sleeping/relatively drunk to go and tell him to marry her. He wants to marry her, he likes her a lot however he is a good man and says that someone else is in line to marry her before him and he goes to ask the man if he wants to marry Ruth.

Long story short the man chooses land over Ruth and Boaz gets to marry Ruth. YAY!

Good stuff happens to Naomi too and that's where the verse "God turns her deserts into gardens" came from. She gets a new kid and her whole life turns around from bad to good. YAY!!!!

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